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.Once I got through the largely wooded area just outside downtown, things got a little weirder.I saw two houses on fire.One was already burnt out and down, and the second was still raging hardcore.Obviously that was unusual.I also saw a handful of bodies in driveways, splayed out in ditches, and generally just strewn around.Seeing bodies around is also unusual.For normal country at least.I’m pretty gracious when I call America normal, incidentally.No zombies though.Didn’t see any of those until I got into the more urban area of Main Street.There’s a few fast food eateries, regular restaurants, a couple pharmacies, a handful of strip malls, you know the deal.Once I was in that area, there were quite a few of the walkers.They were all slowly moving in the general direction of the grocery store too, which was a bad sign that I didn’t pick up on until too late.I kept my speed low.Mainly I didn’t want to drive into a mess too fast and not be able to adjust.Plus I was worried I’d hit a zombie and smash a window, thus making the relative sanctuary of the car null and void.I pulled into the parking lot doing maybe 10 miles per hour.Almost immediately I noticed things were off.There were cars parked in a chevron pattern at the two entrances to the parking lot.The way it was set up was clearly defensive.If someone rammed the two cars parked like that, they would get pushed back into two more cars parked at right angles behind them as well, pretty much guaranteeing that you’d trash your car.You’d have to hop the huge ass curbs to get into the lot, which wasn’t an option for me in the Camry.Without saying a word, it told me people were in the grocery store.Adding fuel to that fire, there were about 20 zombies meandering around the parking lot.It was decision time.Park there, and run to the store to get what I could? Or turn and leave? Going in meant I had to deal with the dead, and likely some of the living inside as well.Leaving meant no food.In the end, my fear of starvation was greater than my fear of the zombies.I parked the car, gathered my weapons, and started to clear the parking lot.The first few zombies I killed were the ones nearest the car.Behind me in the street were a solid half dozen that I’d driven by just a minute prior.I used the.22 and moved down the line landing my headshots pretty smooth.I think I might’ve missed one or two shots due to nerves, but all in all it was excellent marksmanship.After they were down, I swapped mags, and started shooting the shuffling dead that was heading across the lot towards me.I had more time to deal with them mostly because of the arrangement of cars as a blockade was between them and I.I emptied my 2nd magazine pretty quickly doing that and sat back down in the car and started to reload my empty mags out of the pocket of ammo in my vest.That’s when I heard the distinctive boom of a high caliber rifle.My car’s windshield spiderwebbed instantly and I actually heard the zing and the snap of the bullet going by my head.Mr.Journal, have you ever been shot at? There are three completely different ways to be shot at.This was what I refer to as a “stage three” shot.Stage one: You hear a gunshot.Ka-pow.End of story.Stage two: You hear a gunshot.Immediately afterward, you hear a “zinging” noise.Stage two shots mean the bullet came close enough to you that they are aiming in your general direction.Stage three: You hear the bang.You hear the zing.Almost simultaneously you hear a “crack” or “pop” as well.That’s the sound of the bullet breaking the sound barrier near enough for you to hear it.That means that they are either really lucky, and you got accidentally close to the bullet’s flight path, or they are TRYING TO KILL YOU.As a general rule of thumb, you don’t start getting really worried until you get to Stage two.Of course the dead giveaway was the quarter sized hole punched in my windshield about 4 inches from where my face was.Evasive action! I dove flat out of the car onto the pavement and busted the shit out of my chin.Split the bitch wide fucking open.It also rang my bell like a motherfucker.That digger made me think that when I got knocked on my ass in Mrs.Goodell’s classroom I might’ve gotten a concussion.I scrambled as best I could right up flush to the cars blocking the parking lot.Unlike in the classroom I didn’t drop my weapon this time.I quickly finished reloading the clips while I got shot at a couple more times.Both of the new incoming rounds hit my car again, really and thoroughly fucking up the windshield, and the hood.Big, loud PONG noise as the bullet punched into it.Good news is that meant the shooter didn’t know I was behind the car they’d arranged as a blockade.I snuck back some, peeked up through the car interior, and saw a shape leaning over the roof of the grocery store.Pretty clearly a shooter aiming in my general direction.I set my trap.Likely the asshole was using a bolt action, or lever action rifle.The caliber sounded big, so I was pretty sure of that.That meant their first shot would be fast, and pretty accurate, but their second would suck as they chambered a new round.I took off a shoe, and tossed it about five feet to the side towards the other car in the blockade [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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