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.Also See: Memory Download, Shadow Memory.The Great Center: Top level of dimensional spectrum.Also see: The Source.Inner-Body Projection: The internal transfer of waking consciousness into the Etheric Body, asthe trance state is entered.This also occurs while falling asleep.Also see: Trance State.Internal Dialogue: Surface mind chatter caused by random thoughts, also called monkey mind.Also See: Surface Mind.Karma: In the author's opinion, Karma is what is referred to as Sin in the Holy Bible.Karma isthe accumulated influential force generated by all past acts of consciousness, positive andnegative, of good and bad deeds.Through Karma, a spirit is enabled to obtain the real lifeexperiences it requires to progress spiritually (through living experience), via multipleincarnations into the physical dimension.Karma allows a spirit to maintain a healthy spiritualbalance, life after life, and helps avoid the possibility of soul corruption.Karma is not aprocess of reward and punishment.Karma provides spiritual harmony through a process ofenforced spiritual balance.Also see: Karmic Law, Universal Law.231 Karmic Law: For every act of consciousness performed by an individual, an equal and oppositereaction is generated, which is eventually inflicted upon them in turn by Karmic Law.This isaptly expressed by the popular sayings: "What goes around comes around" or "as you sow soshall ye reap".Also see: Karma, Universal Law.Koala: A Koala is a small, herbivorous, tree dwelling, bear-like, pouched mammal, found on theisland continent of sunny Australia; commonly called a Koala Bear.Kundalini: Kundalini is the traditional Eastern name for what is called: "the master circuit"within this book.Kundalini is the strongest of all human bioenergetic circuits - the ultimatebioenergetic expression of being.When this is fully activated (when Kundalini rises), apowerful, internal, snakelike energy movement is felt, often accompanied by a painful burningsensation.This "snakelike" force is felt as uncoiling three-and-a-half turns inside the physicalbody, in an upward and clockwise direction: hence the Eastern term often used to describe thisprofound energetic phenomenon: "The Serpent of Fire".Lucid Dream: When a dreamer becomes aware, or wakes up inside a dream, they are said to be"lucid dreaming".Lucid Dream Projection: A technique whereby a W.I.L.D.or Wake-Induced Lucid Dream, canbe achieved as an alternative to a full OBE exit.Memory Download: In the context of this book, meaning the downloading of OBE memoriesinto conscious and recallable memory storage levels, of the physical/etheric body/mind.Failedmemory downloading occurs when OBE memories are downloaded into subconscious andunconscious levels of memory.This is the primary cause of the vast majority of failed OBEs.Without the memory of it, an OBE did not take place; not according to the conscious mind andits recallable memories, after a failed memory download, or failed OBE.Also see: ShadowMemory.Metaphorical Imagery: Within the context of this book, this term particularly applies to liveaction visions and OBE vision experiences, viewed or experienced first-hand during an OBE.These contain layered metaphorical symbols and symbolic actions, full of hidden meaning,often disguised as apparently real life scenes, during visions and out-of-body visionexperiences.Mind-Split: The splitting of consciousness into two identical parts, that occurs during any type ofOBE.The mind-split occurs at the beginning of any OBE, prior to the exit of the projecteddouble out of its physical counterpart.There are two bodies during an OBE (one physical andone subtle or energetic  projected double).Two minds (one physical and one energetic)therefore exist.Each of these function independently for the duration of an OBE, until reentryoccurs where they reintegrate, becoming one mind again.Also see: Mind-Split Effects.Mind-Split Effects: In particular, the effects the mind-split has upon OBE memory recall.Thecommonly felt sensations of dual existence, that of existing in more than one place at the sametime, during an OBE.Also meaning the telepathic, energetic and empathic interactions andconflicts, that occur between the physical body/mind and its projected body/mind.Also see:Astral Feedback, Complications Of Consciousness, Energetic Conflicts, Memory Download,Mind-Split.232 Mobile Body Awareness (MBA): The ability to move and focus body awareness at differentlocations, on or within the physical body.Also see: Awareness Hands, Body Awareness,Tactile Imaging.Near-Death Experience (NDE): Where a person temporarily dies and experiences a powerfulOBE, until they are resuscitated.Also see: Etheric/Real-Time Double.Out-of-Body Experience (OBE): Where consciousness is perceived as existing and operatingoutside of its physical body.Also called OOBE, projection, or astral projection.Physical/Etheric body: Combined physical and etheric bodies.In particular, where these areexperiencing the trance state, where the etheric body has become active and expanded slightly.Also applies to the physical/etheric body during an OBE, after the projected double has alreadyparted [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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